Insurance organizations are at the forefront when it comes to disaster recovery planning, as their line of work is immediately affected by natural calamities and unplanned events. Typically, insurance companies rely on digital tapes to backup on a daily or weekly basis. However, tape backup is grossly inefficient and problematic due to the sheer volume of insurance data involved. Also, the inconsistency of tape backup poses a problem in meeting regulatory compliance standards for accessibility of information.
The IDrive Solution
The IDrive online backup and storage solution allows insurance companies to protect sensitive insurance policy data, while resuming other business-critical operations with minimal downtime, in the event of a catastrophe. Most importantly, all data is transferred and stored in world-class data centers using 256-bit AES encryption with a user-defined key that is not stored anywhere on the servers ensuring data security.
Features of IDrive include:
Critical files are backed up automatically with options to customize your Backup set and schedule. You can also backup multiple computers (PCs and Macs), iPhones, iPads and Androids to a single IDrive account.
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IDrive ensures all data is transferred and stored using 256-bit AES encryption with a user-defined key. Data is stored in world-class data centers and backed up to local RAID devices at regular intervals.
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Retain the last 30 versions of all files maintained in the IDrive account with the provision to restore any previous version of a file.
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View log reports that provide the history of all activities performed in your IDrive account in a browser session. Track activities like login / logout and other file / folder operations like upload, download etc.,
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For quick restore of several gigabytes of data, your backed up files are retrieved from our servers onto a portable hard drive and shipped to you. Simply transfer your data back to your system via an USB cable.
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IDrive assists businesses avoid fines and penalties via encrypted data transfer and storage that prevents unauthorized access to it, and data retention as laid down by federal mandates.
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If you looking for an efficient and reliable online backup solution contact us at
1-866-748-0555 or send an email to |