Major Boost in Cloud Backup use by Businesses
![Major Boost in Cloud Backup use by Businesses](../source/images/major-boost.png)
The use of cloud backup, by small to large businesses alike, has soared over the last few years. In 2013, businesses spent nearly three times more on data backup and storage than they had the previous year. In 2014, it’s predicted that the amount businesses will spend moving applications to the public cloud will go up 300 percent.
As a business owner, it’s important to be aware of the current trends in cloud backup. Staying up-to-date helps you make the appropriate decisions for your business model. So, what does this trend mean for you?
Lower Prices
The increase in cloud use and spending often creates an ideal buying market. A surplus of business allows some providers to offer discounts and sales on cloud backup plans. So, if you’re looking to purchase an online backup account or change cloud service providers, this is a good time to start looking.
Stronger Service
Amidst a buying market so large and with such a vast selection of services to choose from, cloud providers recognize the need to step up their game. A result of the increase of businesses looking to purchase cloud services is that companies will create offers to outdo the competition. Not only does this provide the opportunity for businesses to purchase a good deal, but it also challenges service providers to improve their services in order to be the best.
More Opportunities
As businesses’ cloud needs expand and the demand for secure data backup increases, more opportunities arise for new service providers to make an appearance on the market, while established providers continue to create additional products and innovative services to appeal to the market as well. Cloud service selections are far from few and, as many users transition from the testing of applications to deployment, even more useful information will be available about which services are a step ahead and which ones to stay away from.
Being an educated consumer is always key when purchasing products or services for your business. This year, as cloud demands continue to go up, it’s an opportune time to utilize the open market and address your personal data recovery, storage, and online backup needs. There really is no better time than the present.
Saarinen, Juha. "Business Spending on Cloud to Skyrocket This Year." ITnews. Next Media, 13 Jan. 2014. Web. 14 Jan. 2014.